Find The Problem!

The human body is very good at adapting to injuries and pain. However, the adaptations often cause other problems. For example, an injured right ankle will cause you to put more weight on your left leg. This increases the stress going through the left foot, ankle,...


Marcum Chiropractic provides chiropractic, massage and acupuncture therapies.  The treatments provided by all of the practitioners can help with and often times eliminate numerous ailments ranging from headaches to foot pain.  If you are unfamiliar with what...

Over The Counter?

Acetaminophen (Tylenol®) is the leading cause of acute liver failure in the United States.  Its use results in approximately 140,000 poisoning cases, 56,000 ER visits and roughly 100 deaths each year.  Please think twice before reaching for the pain medicine.  Other...

First Choice

A recent study in the medical journal Spine found a strong association between chiropractic treatment and the avoidance of lumbar spine surgery.  In this study, only 1.5 percent of those who were treated by a chiropractor first (versus a surgeon) ended up having...
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