Don’t Delay!

The sooner a problem is addressed, the sooner it can be resolved.  This is certainly true for ailments of the human body. Whether it be a sprained ankle or a serious cardiac event; the sooner treatment is received, the better the prognosis.  Thus, if you have a sore...

I’m Going to Wait and See

Marcum Chiropractic’s Dr. Todd Hartwig has helped many people who have tried to “wait it out” following an injury. While it’s true, many injuries will heal on their own over time, virtually all improve faster AND with fewer long-term effects...

Arthritis is Arthritis, Right?

The two most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA).  The differences?  OA is much more common and typically develops slowly, while RA often has a rapid onset of symptoms.  OA usually affects only a few joints, while RA...

We Got Your Back, Feet, Elbow…

The staff at Marcum Chiropractic treat injuries that affect virtually all parts of the body.  From foot pain to headaches or anything in between, we are here for you!  We have many types of therapy available for you and can help you with almost any ailment. Give us a...

If In Doubt, Get It Checked Out!

Aches and pains sometimes pop up out of seemingly nowhere.  While many people go straight to Google and assume the worst, a more practical way of getting answers is to see your doctor. Doctor Hartwig at Marcum Chiropractic has been practicing for over fourteen years...
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