Be Safe and Have Fun!

Halloween is here!  Please be sure all of those little ghosts and goblins have properly fitting costumes before they head out to score their buckets of candy.  No one wants an injury while Trick-or-Treating.  Enjoy the treats 🙂

Is Your Kitchen Sink in There?

Many people carry extremely heavy purses or bags seemingly everywhere.  Below are four simple tips to help prevent injury when carrying these types of things. Step 1) Lighten the load! The less stuff in there, the lighter it is. Step 2) Use multiple shoulder straps...

Keeping It Close To The Vest

When lifting anything, regardless of the object’s weight, be sure to keep it as close to your body as possible. The further the object is from your body, the more likely you are to injure your back. Also, be sure to bend your knees and lift with your legs, not...

Ballistic Missiles!?!

One simple tip to help prevent serious injury or even death is the following; no matter how much of a rush you’re in, do NOT put anything hard that weighs more than a pound or two (e.g., a laptop, full water bottle, groceries, etc.) on the car seat next to you. In a...

Lock It Up.

Sometimes the most dangerous aspect of a car accident is what is inside the vehicle.  Specifically, items on the front passenger seat can become projectiles that can cause significant injury during a collision.  These items often include laptop computers, groceries,...
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