Corona Virus Status

Marcum Chiropractic is taking extra measures to ensure the cleanliness and safety of our patients during this uncertain time of the Covid-19 virus.  We are using recommended disinfectants and hand sanitizers throughout our office and following CDC-recommended hand...

3-for-1 Convenience!

Our patients at Marcum Chiropractic often say that one of the best things about our office is that we offer chiropractic, massage, and acupuncture all under one roof.  With this we are able to provide three distinct therapies to our patients without the need of...

One Stop Is All You Need!

Marcum Chiropractic is your one stop for some of the best chiropractic, massage, and acupuncture services available in Portland.  The talented team at Marcum can help with virtually any ailment you may have.  If traditional treatment has failed, if you are sick of...

Our Promise to You

One of the core values that our team at Marcum Chiropractic prides itself on is to value time.  We value and respect our time and promise to value yours.  We do everything we can to eliminate the waiting room experience so common at other doctors’ offices.  In...

Doing Our Part!

Marcum Chiropractic committed on January 8, 2016 to use only renewable energy from Portland General Electric for all electrical needs.  As of today, all power used at the office will either be solar or wind generated.  On average, this will prevent approximately...

Make Gift Giving Easy

If you want to keep your sanity during the Holiday Season, Marcum Chiropractic can help! Give us a call and order some gift certificates to spoil your loved ones instead of battling the masses at the mall for some token gift. You will save time, money and a lot of...
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