Acupuncture For All!

A Mayo Clinic neurosurgeon writes about the benefits of acupuncture and how it works to restore health and balance in the body. He sites case studies where acupuncture has been effective for his patients and colleagues for a myriad of issues such as pain management,...

Good Advice

Regular chiropractic adjustments will allow your body to function at its peak and will prevent small problems from becoming large problems.  Call 503-235-7130 to eliminate those problems!

Lifting Technique

Most people know it but often forget it. What is it? To lift with your legs and not your back! Bend your knees, not your back. And remember to keep the weight as close to your body as possible. Simple but very important stuff to keep in mind when lifting heavy objects...

Many of the common aches and pains people experience on a daily basis are due to poor posture. Did you just sit up straighter after reading that last sentence?—Sitting and standing with poor posture are a major source of what many people refer to as “normal...
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