Wise Man

Thomas Edison is known for the following quote: “The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” Sound advice from a brilliant...

Use Those Benefits!

Now that (most) insurance companies are realizing that regular, preventative care actually lowers overall healthcare costs they are including “alternative/complementary” medicine in their policies.  Be sure to thoroughly review your policy for your chiropractic,...

Have Some Fun!

Old man winter hasn’t gone away yet…and many of us are starting to get cabin fever.  However, don’t be too anxious to rush into spring.  Enjoy the many wonderful things winter has to offer; skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, etc.  Most of these activities are...

Get Rid of That Stress!

The rain continues to fall; your tax return needs filing; the stresses of everyday life- you need some TLC!  If a trip to Hawaii isn’t in your future then get to Marcum Chiropractic Clinic.  Our team (which includes a chiropractor, massage therapist and an...

The Snow Dance Worked!

Skiers and snowboarders rejoice! Now that the mountains are thoroughly frosted we can get in some turns.  After a full day of hitting the slopes the aches and pains will appear- we can help you.  Call us today to help you get ready to hit the slopes and recover from...

Proactive or Reactive?

What would you rather be? Most people are reactive when it comes to dealing with common injuries such as back pain and headaches.  They often head for the medicine cabinet, seek care too late or just “tough it out.” Individuals who are proactive when it...
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