No Slouching!

Sit up straight! Don’t slouch! Your mother and those pesky teachers were right. Proper posture is more important to your overall health than many people realize. In fact, many diseases (e.g., respiratory problems, compression fractures, arthritis, etc.) are highly...

Eat Right!

A person’s diet, especially here in the United States, is often the worst factor affecting their health. Temptations abound. But, if you can avoid many of the common American pitfalls, most notably fast-food, refined carbohydrates and sugar-laden beverages, you will...

Post-workout Pain

Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), also known as “muscle fever,” is the pain experienced in muscles hours to days after unaccustomed or strenuous exercise/activity. The soreness is usually strongest 24 to 72 hours after the exercise/activity. DOMS is caused by...

Is it Really a Migraine?

It is vital to properly diagnose the specific type of headache a person has in order to give appropriate treatment. Just because you have a very painful headache does not make it a migraine headache. An actual migraine headache will have pain and with it visual...

Crash Fact

Vehicles roll over in less than 3% of all crashes, but these crashes account for more than a third of passenger vehicle occupant deaths (source: Status Report. Insurance Institute of Highway Safety. Vol. 49, No. 4, May 29, 2014). Two things you can do to lessen your...
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