Bon Voyage!

When traveling via plane with flights longer than two hours be sure to do the following: 1) get adjusted the day before your flight and when you return, 2) stretch your legs, back and neck prior to getting on board, 3) get up and walk to the back of the plane once...

No Regrets!

People do not regret going to the gym; or going for a run; or playing soccer; or eating kale; or getting adjusted; or traveling; or laughing with their friends. They do regret: skipping workouts; eating junk food; ignoring their health; waiting for ______ to happen;...

Actions Speak Louder Than Words!

“Too many people confine their exercise to jumping to conclusions, running up bills, stretching the truth, bending over backward, lying down on the job, sidestepping responsibility and pushing their luck.” ~ Author Unknown Do not be like this… Get out there and get...

Weight Loss

If you or anyone you know needs to lose weight please call Marcum Chiropractic Clinic.  Doctor Dale Marcum is a certified health coach and weight-loss expert and can guide you through the process.  The health benefits associated with achieving and maintaining a...

Here Comes the Sun!

Now that the weather here in Portland feels hotter-than-the-sun, be sure to wear your sunscreen. — Many people say they need their vitamin D.  While it is true that most residents of the Pacific Northwest are vitamin D deficient, getting too much sun in too...

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